McSwain Guitars Events
Throughout the year, we participate in a number of events showcasing our models and meeting with clients new and old. We will announce these events via our e-mail list and Facebook page from time to time and would love for you to come join us when we hit your city!
We had a blast at the Dallas International Guitar Show in early May. Met a lot of new friends and saw plenty of old ones including George Lynch who we have had the pleasure of doing some cool custom work with in the past and our good friend Matt Eich from Mule Resonator Guitars. We also got to work to support our our dealer the Guitar Sanctuary showcasing some of our guitars. See more event pics here.
Boutique Builder Showcase Hall C, Booth 4828
We had a big year at NAMM as part of the newly introduced Boutique Builder Showcase. We were invited to join along with a select group of other great boutique builders in a special section of Hall C, Main Floor. Longtime McSwain Guitars friends, Vernon Reid, PhilX stopped by to visit, along with new friends Chris Martin (Martin Guitars), Paul Reed Smith and many more. Check our some of our event pics here...